On this World Radio Day, Pawel Masarczyk takes a step back into the history of the medium that gathers us all here.
The phenomenon of the interval signals is known to anyone who has ever listened to international broadcasts on short, long and medium waves. The characteristic sounds and pieces of music announced the imminent start of programme for a broadcaster from any city in the world. Apart from ensuring the listeners that they have indeed tuned into the right frequency, they were also an excellent opportunity to showcase music that was most characteristic for the location of each station.
The world Radio Day also seems to be a good occasion to perform some radio-related experimentation in the show and see how far technology has evolved since the times of the first interval signals. This episode has been almost entirely produced using a mobile phone, give or take minor post-production work. Enjoy and a very happy World Radio Day to you.
Sondersendung Weltradiotag 2022 – Interval Signals
So, 13.02.2022, von 19 bis 20 Uhr
Eine Sendung von Pawel Masarczyk
Bereits einen Tag vor dem Weltradiotag feiert FREIRAD am Sa, 12.02., mit einem virtuellen Tag der offenen Tür – on air! das Medium Radio und möchte betonen, wie wichtig ein einfacher Zugang dazu ist. Radio soll für alle möglich sein.
Ein buntes Programm mit wundervollen Gästen, spannenden Radio-Geschichten, Radio Pub-Quiz, Tanzcafé mit Wunsch-Konzert und vielen guten Vibes. Sei dabei!