In this monthly radio programme we - Andrew and Sandra - get together in the studio to discuss the book of the month by sharing impressions and insights.
We established our own English Reading Circle in 2012. We meet monthly, with a short break over the summer. We can have up to 15 members at each Reading Circle meeting. Books to be read at the next meeting are chosen by those present at each meeting. Members can propose a book and they are then voted on.
We mainly read novels but we have also tackled poetry, short stories and non-fiction on occasion. In 2016 we decided to introduce the books we read to FREIRAD listeners, sharing with them the views of Reading Circle members about the books. We also share our members´ recommendations for other books that they have been reading. Reading Circle is broadcast on the first Tuesday of every month at 20:00, and repeated on the following Monday at 11:06.
The great advantage to us of the Reading Circle is that we end up reading books that we would never have chosen for ourselves. We find that, when members have differing opinions about a book, we have the most stimulating discussions. We hope that, by sharing our reading experiences with FREIRAD listeners, they too will be inspired to read more widely.
Sandra and Andrew Milne-Skinner