Cool Britannia is an alternative musical journey looking at the last 60 years of British and Irish popular music. From the Beatles to Arctic Monkeys, the Rolling Stones to The Streets, each show will concentrate on the cultural and historical diversity and influence of music born in, and relevant to, the British Isles.
The show „The English Frequency“ is by the students, for the students – James McCallum and his team of hard-working students give an insight into what goes on in the English department at the University Innsbruck. They present the work they do, their events, student experiences, and much more.
Macher*in: James McCallum
Instagram: @coolbritannia_ibk
Mail senden (Cool Britannia)
Mail senden (The English Frequency)
Seit März 2023 im Programmschema
monatlich am 4. Dienstag von 19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr