Feminist Engagements with/in New Materialism
Iris van der Tuin, Utrecht University
Kommentar: Sandra Altenberger, Masterstudierende Gender, Culture and Social Change
Moderation: Andrea Umhauer, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
DIENSTAG 20.12.2016 um 14:00 auf FREIRAD
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Abstract & CV:
In this talk I look back on, and push forward, a review essay on the new materialisms that I published in Women’s Studies International Forum 34(4) in 2011. Discussing three edited volumes and one monograph, the essay set out to synopsize what feminist new materialisms want to provoke in different (inter)disciplines, and how these feminist-materialist debates are ‘new.’ I argued that the new materialisms should not be seen as a Kuhnian paradigm shift in feminist theory and methodology, and I was critical of the Lyotardian notion of ‘rewriting,’ which notion is in fact key to New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies (Dolphijn and Van der Tuin 2012). Both paradigm shifting and rewriting, as (seemingly opposite) epistemological tools, are grounded in an epistemology of recognition, I argued, whereas the new materialisms want to move away from such „reflexivity, [which,] like reflection, only displaces the same elsewhere“ (Haraway 1997: 16). Experimenting with the tool of the ‘quantum leap,’ the essay ended with openings for future (epistemic) research on, and of, the material turn in feminist scholarship and beyond. This talk revisits the essay in order to discuss where we are at with/in feminist new materialisms. Questions posed are a selection of the following: How have the new materialisms been critiqued, and how are feminist new materialisms anti-racist, post-, and decolonial scholarly practices? In what ways are the new materialisms entangled with transversal knowledge practices such as transgenerational, transnational, and transgender theory? How do the new materialisms contribute productively to academic and activist understandings of, and engagements with, the ecological, economical, and postsecular crises of our interregnum? (Bauman 2012) What do feminist new materialisms contribute to today’s feminist pedagogical discussions around safe/brave spaces, trigger warnings, microaggressions, and call-outs?
Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2016
19:00, Hörsaal 1, SOWI, Universitätsstraße 15 (IBK)