Children of parents with a mental illness (COPMI) are more likely to experience negative long term adversities, however interventions to support their needs early can significantly enhance adjustment and reduce negative outcomes. The project “The Village” seeks to improve child development and wellbeing outcomes for children of parents with a diagnosed mental illness. This will be achieved through the co-development, implementation and evaluation of a practice approach to the early identification and collaborative care for COPMI, through establishing childfocused support networks. This project upholds the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) through its overarching focus to listen and understand the ‘child’s voice’, engaging the public in Tyrol, a geographical region of Austria, over the period of four years.
Referentin: Dr. Jean Lillian Paul, PhD, BASc, BSc (Hons); Principal Investigator, ‘Village’ Mental Health Research Program, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute; Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Innsbruck; Member of the Research Centre Medical Humanities of Research Platform Gender Studies
Kommentar: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Anna Buchheim, Dekanin der Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaften
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In cooperation with FREIRAD.
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